If in doubt, blame those meddling foreigners

2011. december 01. 09:22

Many Hungarians believe that because their language is complex, no outsider can understand them. They are wrong.

2011. december 01. 09:22
European Voice
European Voice

„Many Hungarians may think it, but only one has made the sentiment into his online pen name. One of the angriest contributors to the Eastern Approaches blog on The Economist website rejoices in the tag ‘What Can You Possibly Know About Us?'. His contributions, punchily expressed in capital letters, are among the hundreds posted following a recent series of articles about Hungary.

Small countries with difficult languages are particularly prone to assume that no outsider can possibly understand them. It is only a short step for them to assume that the information vacuum is being filled by poisonous propaganda from elsewhere – unfriendly circles in Moscow, or Berlin, or wherever, who are skilfully poisoning foreign public opinion.

Many countries have grown out of this. Poland's first black member of parliament, the Nigerian-born John Abraham Godson, has helped Poles realise that their language, national culture and political system are not a mystery accessible only to the sons of Piast's soil, but also to a visitor with a keen eye for injustice and a tongue ready to bend itself to complex consonant clusters. Furthermore, as millions of people from the ex-communist world have gone to live, work and study in the West, they have learned that by far the biggest problem there for the countries of central and eastern Europe is apathy, not enmity.

But Hungary is becoming something of a special case. The supporters of the government of Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party seem particularly convinced that the world is out to get them.”

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2011. december 05. 14:56
I would be particularly hesitant to blame ONLY those bloody foreigners for the situation recently forming in Hungary. I am not saying that there are no speculants and invenstors who treat hungarians like cows-to-milk but only an idiot would say that the politics present and past governments were flawless.
2011. december 05. 10:20
"It is only a short step for them to assume that the information vacuum is being filled by poisonous propaganda from elsewhere" You are partially right. But our traitors come from the lines of our very own fellow Hungarians... They don't live with us and they have different objectives (as most of them had when they left the country) and they were promoted as Hungary-experts although they let their country down in the worst need for everyone and all they know is speaking Hungarian. They were watching us silenty when the country went down. Over and over again. I couldn't tell another country where emigrants are against their own mother land. that is our special case. Maximum respect to those unaffected.
2011. december 02. 22:34
Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The writer knows nothing of our history or the real causes of our present difficulties. We don't think that the west is here to "get us", or that they don't understand us because we speak a difficult language and vice-versa. We know the west is here to get us, because we experience it on a near daily basis,and if prove is necessary, just look at the declining state and poverty we live in, which can only be thanked to our "dear" western friends' hostile and detrimental actions. They are unable to understand us because they are unable to grasp what real socialism was and is to this day, that their magic wand policies and economical ideas led us into a low wage colony existence and artificial dept. How can a sound person think that is is normal (for any country) that thousands of our mostly young professionals seek work and a better life outside of Hungary? The west considers us as secondary citizens in "their" Union, nothing more than a dumping market for their surpluses. The really sad thing about all of this is that this time it was us who created this trap for ourselves. We were decimated in Trianon, sold in Yalta, sold again in Malta, then stamped on in the EU. Our only hope of surviving the future seems to me a separation and distancing ourselves from the west and its institutions. Now, if we only could decide ourselves to do just that and have leaders, whom for once would serve the country and its people!!
2011. december 02. 19:04
A felvilágosult külföldi most jól megmondta a nyereg alatt húst puhító és hátrafelé nyilazó magyaroknak a frankót. Szerencsétlen hülye.
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