Homeless Hungarian man hits lottery jackpot with his last few coins

2014. február 16. 17:55

László Andraschek plans to use Hungary's biggest win of £1.7m to set up foundation for addicts and abused women.

2014. február 16. 17:55
Dan Nolan

„Unemployed, in debt and facing another year living on the streets in Hungary, László Andraschek spent his last remaining coins on a lottery ticket. Now the formerly homeless man has a choice of accommodation around the world after becoming Hungary's biggest ever lottery winner with a prize of about £1.7m.

Andraschek, whose 630m Hungarian forint win last September went unnoticed until he made a significant donation to a hostel for the homeless this month, said buying the ticket was a chance decision at a railway station on his way to Budapest for a workshop for recovering alcoholics.
»I had only picked six numbers and the female shop assistant reminded me that I needed to pick a seventh,« he said. »I told her to make it 24 – it doesn't matter anyway.«

But he was wrong and now plans to use his winnings to establish a foundation for addicts and women abused by their husbands.”

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