Hungary Wants Past Justice Today

2011. október 18. 09:17

Hungary’s government is about to discuss a motion to make decision makers of the country’s Soviet era pay taxes on their pensions.

2011. október 18. 09:17
Gergo Racz

„Hungary’s government is about to discuss a motion to make decision makers of the country’s Soviet era pay taxes on their pensions. The motion also aims at holding former officials criminally accountable for decisions taken during that time.

The motion on the agenda would charge those who held ranks in the ruling political party during the country’s communist past, as well as those in its youth organization and an armed organization known as the laborers’ guard.

We asked the government to evaluate whether it is legally possible to make those who had earlier held senior party positions pay a reparations tax, the head of the group of representatives for the governing Fidesz party Janos Lazar told reporters Monday.

The idea was raised by Maria Wittner, MP for Fidesz. Ms. Wittner was a revolutionary in the 1956 uprising against Soviet rule, which was eventually crushed by the superior Russian military. For her role, Ms. Wittner was sentenced to death, a verdict later revised to life imprisonment. She was released in 1970 as international pressure mounted on Hungary for its handling of political prisoners.”
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